Saturday, April 16, 2011

Management By Torture - A Case Study

Can employers in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave literally torture employees without suffering civil and/or criminal consequences? The short answer is yes; however, to fully understand the horrific effects of this type of disability discrimination let's look at how Mike became disabled and how his employer, DiaSorin, Inc.1, responded.

Mike fell on a concrete slab and landed flat on his back, although others could see Mike laying on the concrete withering in pain, not one soul stopped to render assistance. The pain that racked his entire upper torso was beyond description and after what seemed an eternity Mike slowly and painfully struggled to his feet, but he was unable to stand erect. Mike knew there was a post nearby and with the cracks in the concrete to guide him Mike found the post and used it to support his pain riddled body.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Mike was finally rescued by a Good Samaritan who took Mike to the Emergency Room where he was examined. The attending doctor determined Mike suffered three fractured ribs and a fractured vertebra. However, Mike could not move his right arm and the physician was unable to provide a medical reason for this condition. Further medical tests revealed Mike suffered a second fractured vertebra, and a fractured shoulder blade, which explained the ungodly pain.

Mike spent three weeks resting at home, then went back to work even though he was in great pain. Mike requested a reasonable accommodation on several occasions, but DiaSorin, Inc. refused to respond, forcing Mike to languish in agony. After what seemed to be an eternity to Mike DiaSorin, Inc. coldly and indifferently denied Mike's requests and he was forced to work full duties in unspeakable agony. Torture in most parts of the World is not permitted by law; nevertheless, DiaSorin, Inc. tortured Mike on a daily basis despite his desperate pleas for relief.

Human tolerance to extreme pain is limited, and Mike eventually found his limit. On one workday Mike was overwhelmed with pain and collapsed on the floor where he lay in an unconscious state. Mike was sent to the hospital via ambulance where the attending physician evaluated his condition. Mike was able to return to work in a few days, but DiaSorin, Inc. management did nothing to change Mike's working conditions and even though DiaSorin, Inc. was at fault it refused to pay Mike for the time he was out recuperating.

Following are a few of Mike's comments as DiaSorin, Inc. tortured him each and every day:

“Excruciating pain combined with the stress of DiaSorin's refusal to grant me a reasonable accommodation was overwhelming and I collapsed. I don't know how long I was blacked out, but when I came to I was sweating profusely and I was shaking uncontrollably.” The fact Mike passed out on the job should have been a wake-up call for DiaSorin, Inc., but nothing was done to modify Mike's work duties. Instead, DiaSorin, Inc. ignored this serious event and continued to place Mike in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or even death.

“As usual I began to feel excruciating pain within 20 to 30 minutes after beginning work. The pain is constant and brutally painful throughout the shift and does not stop when the end of shift whistle blows. No way, it follows me home and refuses to abate even with the help of medication, hot and/or cold compresses and continues until late at night, then it begins anew the next day. My right and left shoulders are painful and the muscles in my upper back are taunt as piano wires and my entire upper back feels as though it is on fire. Several times during the shift the pain became so great I felt as though I was about to lose consciousness. I view DiaSorin's insistence upon inflicting physical , emotional, and psychological suffering upon me as torture. DiaSorin management told me I could go home, but I won't be paid for that time and I run the risk of losing my job; therefore, I am forced to work under unusual and cruel circumstances.”

“Extremely tough day with pain, I nearly collapsed several times today. At one point I sat at the A Station with my head in my hands; I was unaware of how much time passed. When the pain is at its worst I began to sweat profusely, I feel extremely tired and it is very difficult to continue working. I feel as though I am moving in slow motion. Today I experienced an extremely sharp pain that began in my right shoulder blade, went through my right shoulder, and down my right arm with a duration of about ten minutes. The pain was so great a river of tears ran down my face and I wonder how will I be able to continue under these conditions.”

The above comments are the typical daily routine Mike endured while all those he came into contact on a daily basis ignored his suffering. Even though DiaSorin, Inc. management observed Mike's suffering each and every day it; nevertheless, steadfastly refused to take action to relieve the inhumane treatment it saw fit to inflict upon Mike. This blog, of course, is the abridged version of the cruel, unusual, and inhumane disability discrimination Mike suffered due to DiaSorin, Inc's dishonest, unethical, and cold-blooded management practices.

Are DiaSorin, Inc.'s intentional, adverse actions excusable due to the lack of honesty and integrity of those charged with championing disabled employees' rights? Of course not and DiaSorin's behaviors lack common sense and are in direct violation of its stated company policies, as well as Federal laws and state statutes.

Mr. Carroll Streetman is the President of DiaSorin, Inc and Ms. Carisa Moe and Ms. Tracie Clemmens are human resource department personnel. Below are photos of Streetman and Moe, a photo for Clemmens is not available. Moe and Clemmens authorized and implemented the torture that was inflicted upon Mike. Since the corporate culture begins at the top, it is reasonable to conclude Streetman approved of the torture tactics employed by Moe and Clemmens.